Guesthouse for
young people run by the
Salesians of Don Bosco

About us

Youth Guesthouse Munich

As an institution of the Salesian Congregation of Don Bosco, the Jugendgästehaus Don Bosco, a guesthouse for young people, is part of the Jugendzentrum Salesianum, a centre for young people, located in the heart of Munich. Due to its central location as well as its facilities and leisure opportunities the youth guesthouse is the ideal place if you want to stay in Munich together with a group of young people. Moreover, the large sports grounds of the Salesianum are also a place where young people...


Our team

For detailed information and offers please turn to Mrs. Doina Fracasso. She ist responsible für information and reservation of the youth guesthouse. Here you find the whole team of the department for guests and events of the Salesianum.


The Salesianum

The name of our youth residence "Salesianum" has its origin in Francis de Sales (1567 - 1622). During all his life, Don Bosco, the founder of the religious order of the "Salesians", was fascinated by this great clergyman whose goodness and kindness he took as a model for his life's work.The young people's residence Jugendwohnheim Salesianum (in short "SALES") was established in Munich in 1919, offering residence for more than 400 young people during the time of their training and apprenticeship....


Campus Don Bosco - a home for young people

Campus Don Bosco at Munich is a place for youth people. Their necessities and their future are at the center of our attention. This is guaranteed by the religious community of the Salesians of Don Bosco – together with other social and religious institutions. Campus Don Bosco wants to give home to kids, youth and young adults - as a meeting point with educational reference and faith.


Salesians of Don Bosco

The Salesians are a catholic religious order founded by a Catholic priest, Fr. John Bosco, which in Italian is translated Don Bosco. He began his work in Turin, Italy, in the mid-1800s by gathering poor boys and young men that had no place to live and little education.  He established a place called an oratory where these young people could gather and call their home.


Don Bosco

" make young people's lives succeed" – Don Bosco had made it his task to help young people to build up a good future. His methods of guiding young people and telling thme how to achieve this target were different according to cirsumstances, however, they always were successful.
