Guesthouse for
young people run by the
Salesians of Don Bosco

The Salesianum

The name of our youth residence „Salesianum“ has its origin in Francis de Sales (1567 - 1622). During all his life, Don Bosco, the founder of the religious order of the „Salesians“, was fascinated by this great clergyman whose goodness and kindness he took as a model for his life's work.

The history of the „SALES“

The young people's residence Jugendwohnheim Salesianum (in short „SALES“) was established in Munich in 1919, offering residence for more than 400 young people during the time of their training and apprenticeship. For a long time the residence itself was a training centre of apprentices.

The object of the „SALES“

Young people are not only offered residence here but various activities for spending their leisure time in a sensible way. They are looked after during the time of their training and apprenticeship and get support in every situation of life. The employees of the SALES are concerned about being those who are turned to by the young people on their way of becoming responsible persons. This preventive method is based on the pedagogics practiced by Don Bosco.

More about the Jugendzentrum Salesianum on the Salesianum Website (Language: German only).